La voie vers une réforme des politiques des drogues en Nouvelle Zélande n’est pas un parcours facile


La voie vers une réforme des politiques des drogues en Nouvelle Zélande n’est pas un parcours facile

30 août 2016

Un nouveau sondage politique montre que la plupart des Néozélandais sont désormais favorables à la légalisation du cannabis, ou au moins à sa décriminalisation.

Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The Prime Minister is unmoved by a poll for the Drug Foundation showing most New Zealanders now support legalising, or at least decriminalising, cannabis. His reluctance is understandable. The last time the Government went down this road, with synthetic cannabis, it got its fingers burned.

It is easy to agree, as 64 per cent of those polled did, that possession for personal use should not be a crime. It is almost as easy to agree with the 52 per cent who would decriminalise its cultivation for personal use. But if the purpose is to save police time, it would probably do the reverse. How would police know a person found in possession of cannabis, or cultivating it, had no more than an amount permitted for personal use? And if cannabis was merely decriminalised, remaining illegal, what are police supposed to do about it? Their job is easier when crime is clearly defined.

But ease of law enforcement is not the decisive consideration. The law should regulate drugs to the extent necessary to minimise the harm they can do.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Adria Vidal