La radio Voice of Islam consacre un sujet aux politiques de drogues
Marie Nougier, d’IDPC, a été interviewée au sujet de la dépénalisation et des politiques de drogues pour l'émission "Breakfast Show" de la radio Voice of Islam. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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"The issue about drug policies is that nothing is simple: It's all based on ideology. So we have international drug control conventions and the international drug control regime that is still very much promoting a war on drugs approach. But governments or some parts of governments are now moving forward. The UNGASS that had took place in April has shown that there is a division now between countries. Some of them want to have a new approach that is very pragmatic, healthy and human-rights based but you have still quite of few countries that still promote war on drugs approach."
The full interview is available here.
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