Projet pilote - Sondage européen en ligne sur les drogues: tendances de consommation


Projet pilote - Sondage européen en ligne sur les drogues: tendances de consommation

31 mars 2016
European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

L'OEDT développe actuellement des estimations de l’ampleur du marché de la drogue dans l'UE, sur la base des données fournies régulièrement à l'OEDT par les points focaux nationaux. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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For this pilot study, the survey is being conducted in different countries across Europe. The countries are: Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Latvia, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The surveys are running at different times. Below, you can find more details, links to live surveys including the dates on which they are running.

The EMCDDA is currently developing estimates of the size of the drug market in the EU based on data provided routinely to the EMCDDA by National Focal Points. One key component of such market size estimates, for which there is no routine data collection and only limited data available, is the quantities of substances used by different groups of drug users. The data that is available has tended to come mainly from small scale studies of specific heavy user groups, for example of people entering treatment. On the other hand, General Population Surveys generally do not have sufficiently large samples of drug users to provide robust information on amounts.

For the report Further Insights into the EU drug markets, researchers from Trimbos Institute coordinated an online survey of drug users in seven EU countries, which included the collection of information about amounts used as well as frequency of use and sources of supply. The data collected provided valuable information on the variation in quantities used per occasion by different user groups in different countries. It also demonstrated the potential of this approach for obtaining information from drug users in different countries in a quick and cost-effective manner, while highlighting areas requiring further development to improve the method for the future.

The EMCDDA is therefore undertaking a pilot project in collaboration with the researchers from the Trimbos Institute to build on the earlier survey experience and develop a system and the capacity within EMCDDA for collecting such data. This would not only be of value to the EMCDDA but would also be a valuable resource for National Focal Points allowing them to obtain valuable information for policy development at the national level quickly and at low cost. If successful, it is anticipated that the range of topics covered would be developed further in the future.

Click here to read the full article.

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