Les usagers de drogues ne devraient pas être laissées de côté


Les usagers de drogues ne devraient pas être laissées de côté

12 janvier 2015

Le Segment thématique de la 35ème réunion du Conseil de Coopération du Programme de l’ONUSIDA a souligné le besoin de renouveler les efforts pour réduire la transmission du sida et de l’hépatite C parmi les usagers de drogues injectables. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Calls for renewed efforts to reduce the transmission of HIV and hepatitis C among people who inject drugs were heard at the thematic segment of the 35th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on 11 December.

Speakers at the thematic segment included former President of Switzerland Ruth Dreifuss, a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Efi Kokkini, the chair of the Greek Drug and Substitute Users Union, and representatives of United Nations Member States and organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the World Health Organization and the World Bank.

Key issues associated with HIV and injecting drug use were raised, including opportunities for and barriers to implementing harm reduction strategies. Examples from several countries focused on partnerships between governments and civil society that have proved successful in reducing the transmission of HIV among people who inject drugs.

“We need to examine what has failed and what can be done differently,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé. “Reaching the 90–90–90 targets will not be possible without reducing new HIV infections among people who inject drugs.”

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