Programme de subventions VIH/SIDA de l’ONUDC - Des communautés plus autonomes, une réponse plus vigoureuse au VIH


Programme de subventions VIH/SIDA de l’ONUDC - Des communautés plus autonomes, une réponse plus vigoureuse au VIH

30 juillet 2014

L’ONUDC invite les organisations de la société civile œuvrant dans le domaine de la réduction des risques à déposer leurs demandes de subventions liées au VIH/SIDA. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Apply for HIV Grants for Civil Society Organizations

This Call for Proposals seeks to provide funding support to civil society organizations working in the area of harm reduction. The proposals should aim at strategic initiatives addressing HIV prevention, treatment, care and support among people who inject drugs.

Grant funding under this Call for Proposals shall be provided to proposals that:

  • are focused on HIV prevention and/or treatment and/or care and/or support among people who inject drugs. This is assessed on the basis of how well the proposed activities are contributing to achieving the UNGASS target of working towards reducing transmission of HIV among people who inject drugs by 50 per cent by 2015;
  • support the active participation of drug user communities;
  • have an international reach (regional or global);
  • are initiated, planned, managed, implemented, monitored and/or evaluated by community based organizations.

Grants may be awarded either for self-contained activities or for activities which are a component of a larger project. If other funds are required for implementing the project please provide evidence of the secured funding up front.

Furthermore, funds will not normally be given to support travel, meetings, conferences or similar gatherings.

Please note that all activities financed by this Grants programme must be new interventions, that would not be able to take place without the funding securing though the Grants award.

Click here for more information.

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