13ème conférence internationale sur la santé et les soins de l'hépatite chez les personnes usagères des drogues - INHSU 2024


13ème conférence internationale sur la santé et les soins de l'hépatite chez les personnes usagères des drogues - INHSU 2024

11 décembre 2024
International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU)

La date limite pour soumettre les résumés est le 2 mars 2025. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.


  • Angela McBride, Executive Director at South African Network of People Who Use Drugs
  • Dr. Andrew Scheibe, Technical Advisor, TB HIV Care, Researcher, University of Pretoria.
We are thrilled to invite you to INHSU 2025, which will take place in our vibrant home city of Cape Town, South Africa. It marks INHSU’s first return to South Africa since a satellite conference—INHSU Africa—was held here in 2020, just before COVID-19. It was a pivotal moment for our community, and bringing the main conference here in 2025 will be a platform for the continued strengthening of community-led networks in the region on both local and national levels. It’s also a testament to INHSU’s continued growth into a global platform that meaningfully involves people who use drugs, with an increasing focus on representatives from Africa.
Cape Town, South Africa
Commencez14 octobre 2025
Fin17 octobre 2025
