ISHEID: colloque international VIH et infections émergentes
L’ISHEID est la première réunion internationale pour les scientifiques s’intéressant à la virologie, la pathogenèse, la prévention et au traitement du VIH et des maladies infectieuses émergentes. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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The Symposium is an important networking event for the presentation of new developments in the fight against HIV & Emerging infectious diseases. The goals of the Symposium are to increase the scientific understanding of the virus, and to gain insights applicable to future efforts for controlling its spread. The Scientific Committee will design an outstanding program. Each day will offer a variety of sessions leading by renowned key opinin leaders, enriched by oral presentations with high quality abstracts. Additional abstracts will be scheduled as poster presentations with dedicated poster viewing times.
Click here for more information.
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