35ème Réunion du Conseil de Coordination du Programme ONUSIDA


35ème Réunion du Conseil de Coordination du Programme ONUSIDA

14 novembre 2014

La réunion inclura un segment thématique sur la transmission du VIH parmi les usagers de drogues injectables. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) presents its compliments to the Permanent Missions in Geneva, to Organizations of the United Nations system and to Nongovernmental Organizations dealing with matters pertaining to HIV/AIDS not represented on the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB).

UNAIDS has the honour to inform the aforementioned Missions and Organizations that the thirty-fifth meeting of the Board will be held from 9 to 11 December 2014 in the Executive Board room at the World Health Organization Headquarters, 20 Avenue Appia, Geneva. The opening session will begin at 09:00 on 9 December with registration starting at 08:15. The meeting is scheduled to finish at 18:00 on 11 December 2014.

A copy of the provisional agenda and a note on logistical arrangements are attached hereto. Key agenda items of the meeting include a debate on revised targets for the AIDS response beyond 2015 and a gap analysis and recommendations to end paediatric AIDS. The Board will also receive an update on actions taken to reduce stigma and discrimination in all its forms. The meeting will include a thematic segment on 11 December devoted to the theme of “Halving HIV transmission among people who inject drugs”. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for the plenary sessions in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Documents are being prepared in English and in French and will be available on the UNAIDS web site closer to the meeting dates.

Click here for more information about the event.

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Geneva, Switzerland
Commencez8 novembre 2014
Fin10 novembre 2014


Profils associés

  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS)