Contribuez à changer le discours sur le sida: joignez-vous à ACT 2015!


Contribuez à changer le discours sur le sida: joignez-vous à ACT 2015!

4 décembre 2013

ACT 2015 a pour objectif de fournir un cadre de développement post-2015 pour répondre au VIH chez les jeunes.

Pour en savoir plus, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous (en anglais).

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Throughout the months of November, December and January (2013/2014), youth activists from around the world will start organizing to ensure HIV remains a priority in the post-2015 agenda and that sexual and reproductive health and rights gets recognized for the first time ever in major UN goals.

The PACT - a collaboration of 25 youth-led and youth-serving organizations - together with UNAIDS are launching ACT 2015: one goal, many voices–a movement building initiative that aims to secure a post-2015 development framework that advances the SRHR and HIV response for young people. ACT 2015 also aims to inspire action on the priorities of youth activist within national AIDS responses.

Using online technology to reach young people on the ground, in the first phase we are asking youth activists to sign up and host community dialogues for social action throughout the months of November, December and January. The community dialogues are a tool for you and your peers to share your own stories, find solutions and commit to action:

  • What’s the reality in your country?
  • What are the needs of young people living with HIV?
  • How does HIV affect you?
  • How can we be the generation that gets to the end of the AIDS epidemic

Click here to read the full article.

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