Las intervenciones de testeo y tratamiento en entornos comunitarios, claves para controlar un reciente brote de VIH entre usuarios de drogas inyectables en Glasgow: Un estudio de modelización


Las intervenciones de testeo y tratamiento en entornos comunitarios, claves para controlar un reciente brote de VIH entre usuarios de drogas inyectables en Glasgow: Un estudio de modelización

3 julio 2024
Lara I. Allen
Hannah Fraser
Jack Stone
Andrew McAuley
Kirsten M. A. Trayner
S. Erica Peters
Rebecca Metcalfe
Sharon J. Hutchinson
Peter Vickerman
Matthew Hickman

Allen et al. revelan el valor de las intervenciones comunitarias para prevenir brotes de VIH, y destacan el potencial de ampliar los servicios para las comunidades de personas usuarias de drogas con el fin de evitar brotes. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Background: A human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) outbreak was identified among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Glasgow in 2015, with >150 diagnoses by the end of 2019. The outbreak response involved scaling up HIV testing and improving HIV treatment initiation and retention.

Methods: We parameterized and calibrated a dynamic, deterministic model of HIV transmission among PWID in Glasgow to epidemiological data. We use this model to evaluate HIV testing and treatment interventions. We present results in terms of relative changes in HIV prevalence, incidence, and cases averted.

Results: If the improvements in both testing and treatment had not occurred, we predict that HIV prevalence would have reached 17.8% (95% credible interval [CrI], 14.1%–22.6%) by the beginning of 2020, compared to 5.9% (95% CrI, 4.7%–7.4%) with the improvements. If the improvements had been made on detection of the outbreak in 2015, we predict that peak incidence would have been 26.2% (95% CrI, 8.8%–49.3%) lower and 62.7% (95% CrI, 43.6%–76.6%) of the outbreak cases could have been averted. The outbreak could have been avoided if the improvements had already been in place.

Conclusions: Our modeling suggests that the HIV testing and treatment interventions successfully brought the HIV outbreak in Glasgow under control by the beginning of 2020.

Perfiles relacionados

  • The Journal of Infectious Diseases
