Hoja de ruta en materia de equidad para informar la evaluación pautada de la Ley del cannabis en Canadá

Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation


Hoja de ruta en materia de equidad para informar la evaluación pautada de la Ley del cannabis en Canadá

12 noviembre 2023

El Centro de Evaluación de Políticas sobre Drogas esboza cómo se puede mejorar la responsabilidad social y las acciones dentro de la legislación canadiense sobre el cannabis, enfatizando la inclusión de personas racializados y géneros infrarrepresentados, la reparación de daños causados por la prohibición del cannabis mediante la reinversión de impuestos, y la amnistía para las condenas anteriores relacionadas con el cannabis. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Toronto, Canada – A report released today (16th October 2023) by the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation (CDPE) offers recommendations for advancing equitable cannabis policies in Canada.

Released to respond to the ongoing legislative review of the Cannabis Act, this new report provides a guide for improving equity and social justice after five years of Canada’s legalization and regulation of non-medical cannabis markets. A top line recommendation is that the purpose of the Cannabis Act be expanded to include the promotion of social responsibility and social equity in connection with cannabis.

“Canada has a transformational opportunity with the legislative review of the Cannabis Act to build cannabis policies that prioritize racial and social justice,” said Dr. Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto and senior author of the report. “An essential first step is formally adding equity as a key goal of Canada’s cannabis policy alongside public health and safety objectives.”

Black and Indigenous people, who have been disproportionately negatively impacted by cannabis prohibition in Canada, as well as women, are notably absent from leadership positions within the Canadian cannabis industry. In comparison to many jurisdictions in the United States, Canadian legalization efforts have done little to explicitly address the harms caused by drug prohibition and to foster equity in the legal cannabis industry.