
Viajes y consumo de drogas en Europa: breve revisión del OEDT

21 septiembre 2012

Se sabe muy poco sobre el consumo de drogas de las personas que viajan. Este informe temático busca fomentar el interés por esta cuestión, tanto en lo que se refiere al estudio del fenómeno como a desarrollar respuestas a los problemas relacionados con este.Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Little is known about the issue of drug use by travellers. This Thematic paper seeks to increase the interest in this topic both in terms of research and of developing adequate responses to problems related to drugs and travel.

The paper aims to shed some light on this topic by investigating the following five questions: What is the profile of those who travel and use drugs? Which destinations have been associated with drug use among travellers? What is the prevalence of drug use among travellers? What are the risks associated with using drugs while travelling? What is the potential for prevention interventions?

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Perfiles relacionados

  • European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
