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Derechos humanos y la reinserción social de las personas liberadas de la detención y de aquellas sometidas a medidas no privativas de libertad - Convocatoria de aportes del ACNUDH
El ACNUDH busca identificar políticas, programas y asociaciones que promuevan enfoques que respeten los derechos humanos. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
Purpose: To inform the preparation of the HRC-mandated comprehensive study on human rights and the social reintegration of persons released from detention and persons subjected to non-custodial measures
Human Rights Council resolution 57/9 of 9 October 2024, entitled “Social reintegration of persons released from detention and persons subjected to non-custodial measures”, requests the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to “prepare a comprehensive study, with practical recommendations, on human rights and the social reintegration of persons released from detention and persons subjected to non-custodial measures, with a view to assessing the benefits of further developing guiding principles”.
The resolution requests OHCHR to prepare the report based on wide consultations with relevant stakeholders.
The report will be presented to the Human Rights Council at its 60th session in September – October 2025.
The report aims to gather information on legislation, policies, programmes and other initiatives, including public-private partnerships, that facilitate the social reintegration of persons released from detention or subjected to non-custodial measures, with a particular emphasis on approaches grounded on human rights.
Download the questionnaire (PDF): English | Français | Español
Download Human Rights Council resolution 57/9 on Social reintegration of persons released from detention and persons subjected to non-custodial measures: English | Français | Español
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