Estados Unidos: Ohio vota a favor de legalizar el cannabis para consumo recreativo

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Estados Unidos: Ohio vota a favor de legalizar el cannabis para consumo recreativo

27 noviembre 2023
Scott Bland
NBC News

Ohio se convierte en el vigésimo cuarto estado de EE.UU. que regula legalmente el cannabis, lo que aumenta la presión sobre el gobierno federal para la retirar la sustancia de la lista de sustancias controladas, y descriminalizarla. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Ohio voters have approved a ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana, making it the 24th state to embrace legalization in a push that’s expanding into more conservative parts of the country.

The "yes" vote on Issue 2 means people age 21 and over in the state will be able to use, grow or sell marijuana under a regulation-and-tax program imposed by the state. The measure takes effect in 30 days. Supporters of the measure campaigned on the premise of regulating marijuana "like alcohol."

Possessing marijuana is still a federal crime, but President Joe Biden has announced pardons for prior offenses of simple marijuana possession, and the Justice Department is taking a hands-off approach in states that have legalized its use.

The Department of Health and Human Services also recently recommended that the Drug Enforcement Administration "reschedule" marijuana, reducing restrictions on its use.