Camboya: los arrestos se disparan a causa de la guerra contra las drogas


Camboya: los arrestos se disparan a causa de la guerra contra las drogas

20 marzo 2017

Durante las primeras siete semanas de 2017, se han producido casi la mitad de arrestos relacionados con drogas que los registrados en todo 2016. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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By Mech Dara and Martin de Bourmont

With an additional 1,749 arrests so far this month, Cambodia’s anti-drug crackdown, which began on January 1, has already yielded nearly half as many drug-related arrests as there were in all of 2016.

Between January 1 and February 19, “we arrested 4,177 people, including drug users, and 1,917 drug traffickers,” Meas Vyrith, deputy secretary general of the National Authority for Combating Drugs, said yesterday.

Last month, authorities arrested 2,428 people, 1,243 of whom were users, he added. Last year, Vyrith said, Cambodian authorities made 9,933 drug-related arrests.

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