Nuevas investigaciones confirman los beneficios del tratamiento de la hepatitis C entre las personas que usan drogas


Nuevas investigaciones confirman los beneficios del tratamiento de la hepatitis C entre las personas que usan drogas

12 septiembre 2016

Las pruebas revelan no solo el papel clave que desempeña el tratamiento entre las personas que usan drogas en la reducción de la transmisión de la hepatitis C, sino también cómo se puede ampliar para conseguir resultados óptimos. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Global health experts are today are calling for the removal of restrictions preventing people who use drugs from accessing new hepatitis C cures. So long as these restrictions exist, the goal of disease elimination will remain out of reach, they say.

They are gathered in Oslo for the 5th International Symposium on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users, where new research continues to highlight not just the pivotal role treatment for people who use drugs plays in reducing hepatitis C transmission, but also how it can be rolled out to achieve best results.

"The science is clear. We now need to focus on overcoming barriers to access, and harness latest research to implement programs that work," said President of the International Network of Hepatitis C in Substance Users (INHSU), Associate Professor Jason Grebely, the Kirby Institute, UNSW Australia.

"To delay further is unethical and undermines public health," he added.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC AJC1