Club Health 2013 – VIII Conferencia internacional sobre vida nocturna, uso de sustancias y problemas relacionados con la salud
La conferencia persigue fortalecer las capacidades y las destrezas de todos los grupos que tienen interés en una vida nocturna sana: desde los organismos gubernamentales y de salud pública que la regulan a los dueños de los clubes, pasando por los organizadores y promotores de festivales que la hacen posible y los participantes sin los cuales no existiría.
Más información, en inglés, disponible abajo.
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The conference aims to build capacity and capability among all groups that have a stake in healthy nightlife – from the public health and government agencies that regulate it, to the club owners, festival organizers and promoters that make it happen, to the participants without whom it would not exist.
Some of the top issues being discussed will include:
- Innovative harm reduction approaches to alcohol, tobacco and other drug use
- Best practices in planning and managing large scale events
- Promoting safe and healthy nightlife environments
- Preventing violence and anti-social behavior
- Economic impact of nightlife
- Building local, national and global partnerships for healthy nightlife
For further information on conference please click here.
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