Un juez mexicano aprueba el consumo de cocaína con fines recreativos de dos personas

Flickr (CC BY-2.0) Presidencia de la República Mexicana


Un juez mexicano aprueba el consumo de cocaína con fines recreativos de dos personas

28 agosto 2019

Si se mantiene, la decisión podría facilitar un cambio paradigmático en la forma en que el sistema de justicia trata a las personas que usan drogas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

By the BBC

A Mexican judge has granted two people the right to recreational cocaine use, in the first ruling of its kind, the organisation behind the cases said.

The court said it would allow both claimants to "possess, transport and use cocaine" but not sell it, according to Mexico United Against Crime (MUCD).

MUCD, which seeks to end the country's "war on drugs", called the ruling a "historic step".

The decision must be reviewed by a higher court before it is enforced.

MUCD said the Mexico City court ordered the country's health authority, Cofepris, to authorise the two claimants' use of cocaine.

A Cofepris official told the AFP news agency that it had taken steps to block the court order, which was handed down in May. The official said that such authorisation would be outside of its legal remit.

The ruling will only come into effect if a panel of judges side with the original decision. If they do approve the ruling, it will only apply to the two people who brought the cases, whose identities were withheld.

In a statement on Tuesday, MUCD said the cases represent "another step in the fight to construct alternative drug policies that allow [Mexico] to redirect its security efforts and better address public health."