Camboya: las autoridades antidrogas piden a los tribunales que aceleren los procesamientos


Camboya: las autoridades antidrogas piden a los tribunales que aceleren los procesamientos

22 agosto 2017

Las autoridades camboyanas han dado un giro preocupante y están buscando medios para acelerar los procedimientos judiciales y liquidar los bienes incautados de presuntos narcotraficantes antes de que estos sean condenados, con el objetivo de ayudar a financiar las medidas del Gobierno para luchar contra las drogas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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By Phan Soumy

Anti-drug authority officials on Tuesday said they were seeking legal means to speed up court procedures and liquidate the seized assets of suspected drug traffickers before they are convicted to help fund the government’s ongoing efforts to combat drugs.

Heads of the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD) said facilitating the government’s faster sale of confiscated vehicles and other property from accused traffickers would ensure the state was acquiring the fullest value of the goods.

Kao Khondara, vice chairman of the NACD, requested cooperation between court officials and the government’s six-person confiscation committee, an interministerial body created to manage and distribute confiscated property, during a meeting on Tuesday in Phnom Penh.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Keith Cooper