Propuesta de máquinas expendedoras de agujas en la ciudad australiana de Melbourne


Propuesta de máquinas expendedoras de agujas en la ciudad australiana de Melbourne

14 enero 2014

En la ciudad australiana de Melbourne, en el estado de Victoria, se ha propuesto instalar máquinas expendedoras de agujas en el marco de un programa piloto para reducir las tasas de infección entre personas usuarias de drogas.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Needle vending machines could be rolled out for the first time in Victoria this year as part of trial to reduce infection rates among drug users.

Yarra Drug and Health Forum has been investigating a trial as an addition to existing needle exchange programs across Melbourne. The machines are unmarked and contain one-use sterile equipment and disposal bins. Syringes are either provided free or for a small fee such as $2.

Yarra Drug and Health Forum chief executive Greg Denham said restrictive opening hours of programs left a dangerous gap in which users could not access clean equipment.

Most needle exchange programs in Melbourne operate weekdays and between business hours.

''It's a logical next step to make sure we make clean syringes available when they're needed, such as weekends,'' he said.

Click here to read the full article.

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