Rapport sur les politiques mondiales relatives au VIH : Conclusions du Laboratoire des politiques relatives au VIH


Rapport sur les politiques mondiales relatives au VIH : Conclusions du Laboratoire des politiques relatives au VIH

29 mars 2022

Le Laboratoire des politiques de lutte contre le VIH offre une vue d’ensemble de l’état des lois et des politiques nationales de lutte contre le VIH à la fin de l’année 2021. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

By HIV Policy Lab

Despite rapid scientific advances the world failed to achieve the global HIV goals set for 2020 and is not on track to reach the goal to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. This can be explained, at least in part, by the significant gap that remains between science on the one hand, and law and policy on the other. The HIV Policy Lab’s annual report presents the state of HIV policy across 194 countries for key HIV-related laws and policies. With not one country in the world having fully aligned its laws and policies with those recommended, significant change is still needed.