La Colombie, les Etats-Unis, et la coopération en matière de sécurité selon Proxy


La Colombie, les Etats-Unis, et la coopération en matière de sécurité selon Proxy

11 avril 2014

Ce rapport explore ce qui semble être un modèle de coopération internationale émergeante en matière de sécurité, dans lequel la Colombie et les Etats-Unis jouent un rôle clé.

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U.S. aid to Colombia has declined considerably since 2008. Counternarcotics and counterinsurgency activities, in which Washington has been heavily involved since Plan Colombia’s inception in 2000, have been steadily “Colombianized.” Now, Colombia is stepping up efforts to export its “know-how” to countries in Central America, the Caribbean, and beyond the Western Hemisphere affected by drug-related crime and violence, largely via South-South cooperation and triangulated efforts with U.S. support. This report explores what seems to be an emerging international security cooperation model in which both Colombia and the United States play key roles.

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