
Guides pour le débat: qu’est-ce qu’une drogue?

24 octobre 2013

Ce rapport vise à dissiper les idées préconçues en relation avec le concept de «drogues » et les raisons pour lesquelles elles sont consommées.

Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

Abonnez-vous à l'Alerte mensuelle de l'IDPC pour recevoir des informations relatives à la politique des drogues.

The access to and use of substances that alter general states of consciousness have been a historical constant in all societies.

Moreover, they have been commonly used in controlled contexts.1 The range of substances and reasons of abuse increase day by day so that in a voluntary or involuntary, individual or social manner, society is more involved in this complex topic.

This increase requires considerable actions based on truthful information and resources that address the implied risks and consequences that involves consuming any substance. Ignorance towards and around drugs can result in individual as well as social risks. Therefore, basic concepts of the topics can help teenagers and young adults break the paradigm that society has about psychoactive substances and its use.

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.