Un projet de loi pourrait annuler certaines condamnations si le cannabis destiné à un usage récréatif est légalisé au Michigan

marijuana cannabis CC flickr Moss


Un projet de loi pourrait annuler certaines condamnations si le cannabis destiné à un usage récréatif est légalisé au Michigan

25 juin 2018

Alors que le cannabis n’est pas encore légal au Michigan, le législateur local Sheldon Neeley a proposé un projet de loi qui permettrait à ceux qui ont commis une infraction liée au cannabis que leur dossier pénal soit effacé si le cannabis devient légal. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

By Jonathan Jackson

A local lawmaker is working to give hundreds of people a second chance if recreational marijuana is legalized come the November election. Last week, State Rep. Sheldon Neeley introduced a bill that would make it easier for those convicted of misdemeanor marijuana crimes to have those records set aside. “If marijuana becomes legal, I don’t believe that it should still be a burden on those individuals that have had these crimes placed on their permanent record,” Neeley said. Neeley is working to pass new legislation that would remove non-violent misdemeanor marijuana charges from a person’s permanent record if voters make recreational marijuana legal in the November election. “They should be expunged of that crime automatically, up on the legislation of marijuana,” Neeley said. Neeley said he is neither for or against the legalization of recreational marijuana, but said his bill simply makes sense if marijuana use is legalized.