Des députés régionaux appellent leurs homologues philippins à rejeter le projet de loi sur la peine de mort


Des députés régionaux appellent leurs homologues philippins à rejeter le projet de loi sur la peine de mort

13 décembre 2016

Des parlementaires de l’ASEAN expriment leurs préoccupations au sujet de la tentative de Duterte de soumettre en toute hâte au Congrès un projet de loi pour le rétablissement de la peine de mort.

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Parliamentarians from across ASEAN today expressed alarm at what appears to be an attempt by the administration of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and its allies in the Philippine House of Representatives to railroad through Congress legislation to reintroduce the death penalty in the country.

Members of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) urged President Duterte and Philippine legislators to immediately desist in their pursuit of a reinstatement of the death penalty, calling on them to respect the Philippines’ international obligations and avoid undermining the country’s much-respected role as a regional leader on human rights protections.

“As citizens of ASEAN, we have looked to the Philippines as a regional leader in the global movement to abolish the death penalty since its decision to do so in 2006,” said APHR Chairperson Charles Santiago, a member of the Malaysian Parliament.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Davao Today