Des consultations nationales et thématiques posent les jalons du programme de développement post-2015


Des consultations nationales et thématiques posent les jalons du programme de développement post-2015

21 janvier 2013

En amont de l’année 2015, l'ONU prévoit une série de consultations pour aider à façonner les priorités post-2015 avec le soutien des coalitions de la société civile. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The World We Want web platform is a joint initiative between the United Nations and Civil Society. It is a growing movement of people all over the world contributing their vision towards an overall plan to build a just and sustainable world free from poverty. It will help ensure that global efforts to secure a post-2015 development agenda are based on the perspective of people living in poverty.

Leading up to the year 2015, the United Nations is planning a series of consultations to help shape the post-2015 agenda with support from Civil Society coalitions including the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, CIVICUS and the Beyond 2015 Campaign, which have been organising Civil Society engagement in post-2015 discussions.

This process includes the creation of a High Level Panel, over 50 national and thematic consultations, community based discussion and a Global Online Conversation - all of which will contribute to a vision for The World We Want beyond 2015.

For more information about the consultations, please click here.

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