Événements passés

Résultats 253 à 264 de 721
SIDA 2018

SIDA 2018

Amsterdam, Pays Bas
22 juillet 2018 - 26 juillet 2018
La 22ème Conférence Internationale sur le SIDA réunira des experts pour approfondir les politiques et les réponses mondiales en matière de VIH.
Soutenez. Ne punissez Pas : Journée d’Action Mondiale de 2018

Soutenez. Ne punissez Pas : Journée d’Action Mondiale de 2018

25 juin 2018
L’IDPC collecte actuellement des informations au sujet des entités et des personnes qui veulent organiser une action dans leur ville pour la Journée d’Action Mondiale de 2018. Pour en savoir plus, en Anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous. 26th June 2018 will be the 6th Day of Action organised so far. Last year, thousands of people across 205 cities in 93 countries took part in the fifth global day of action for the Support Don't Punish campaign to call for better drug policies anchored in public health and human rights. This video celebrates their enthusiasm and commitment, and invites you to join in to demand and end to the senseless war on drugs. Why 26th June? 26th June is the United Nations’ International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – a day that on which many governments celebrate their contributions to the global ‘war on drugs’. In the past, some governments have even commemorated this day by holding public executions or beatings of drug offenders. By taking part in the Global Day of Action, you can help to “reclaim” the message on this important day. 26th June is also the United Nations’ International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – an ironic coincidence given the widespread torture and abuse suffered in the name of the war on drugs. What can you do this year? The aim for the Global Day of Action is to produce high-profile and visually symbolic local actions. It is your choice to decide what these actions are – and this decision depends on what is feasible and affordable, what works best in the local context, and what you think will have the greatest impact. The numbers involved can range from 10 or 20 people, to more than 100 people in some cities – and we hope that the examples from other cities can serve as inspiration as well. One of the greatest impacts that the campaign can have is through attracting positive media attention and raising awareness of the campaign issues. We recommend that local partners engage with the local media ahead of 26th June. The only requirement we ask is that these actions are connected to the global campaign by using the SUPPORT. DON’T PUNISH logo. This could be on t-shirts, banners, posters, reports or other materials. This allows us to tie together the local actions and to demonstrate that they are all part of a coordinated global effort. In many cities, you may also decide to use the Support. Don’t Punish logo alongside that of your organisation, your partners, and other campaigns. If you are looking for inspiration about what to do, have a look at the actions that took place in 2013, 2014, 2015 2016, and 2017! What is the next step? We are currently collecting information about who wants to organise an action in their city, where and with whom. Please fill this online “Call for Expressions of Interest“. Also available in Word format. Have any questions? Please drop us a line on Slack or email us at campaign@idpc.net.
Réunion intersession de la CND

Réunion intersession de la CND

Vienne, Autriche
24 juin 2018
La Commission des Stupéfiants de l'ONU tiendra sa deuxième réunion intersession au 25 juin 2018. Les modalités du Segment Ministériel de 2019 seront au coeur des discussions.
Ciné-débat: Double peine. Criminalisation toxique des drogues

Ciné-débat: Double peine. Criminalisation toxique des drogues

Brussels, Belgium
19 juin 2018 - 19 juin 2018
Une nouvelle projection de films à Bruxelles rapporte la loi de 1921 sur la drogue en Belgique qui interdit et punit la consommation de drogue. Le film considère la loi comme obsolète et contre-productive et appelle à l'action pour un nouveau modèle.
Journées Nationales de la Fédération Addiction 2018

Journées Nationales de la Fédération Addiction 2018

Perpignan, France
12 juin 2018 - 13 juin 2018
Les Journées constituent un moment fort du secteur de l’addictologie, offrant à travers les ateliers et conférences, un espace unique d’échanges et de retour d’expériences sur les pratiques professionnelles
Société civile & politiques du cannabis

Société civile & politiques du cannabis

Genève, Suisse
8 juin 2018
Samedi 9 juin 2018, 20 ans après l’adoption de la déclaration de l’ONU visant l’éradication des drogues, la société civile internationale se rencontre pour constater l’échec de cette stratégie et développer des solutions pour un avenir en phase avec les objectifs 2030 de cette institution.
71ème Assemblée mondiale de la santé

71ème Assemblée mondiale de la santé

Geneva, Switzerland
20 mai 2018 - 25 mai 2018
Pour en savoir plus, en Anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous. Pour en savoir plus, en Anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous. The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed programme budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.