Débat Thématique de Haut niveau du Président de l’Assemblée Générale de l’ONU sur les Droits Humains
Soumettez votre candidature pour participer ou parler au Débat Thématique de Haut niveau du Président de l’Assemblée Générale de l’ONU sur les Droits Humains. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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Apply to attend or speak at the President of the UN General Assembly's High-level Thematic Debate on Human Rights
UN Headquarters, New York
12-13 July 2016
1 June - Apply for civil society Selection Committee
7 June - Apply for civil society speaking roles
14 June - Apply to attend the event
The President of the United Nations General Assembly will convene, on 12-13 July 2016, a High-level Thematic Debate (HLTD) on Human Rights. In light of the 50 th anniversary of the international human rights covenants and the process to select and appoint the next United Nations Secretary-General, the HLTD will be an opportunity to:
* take an overarching view of the current human rights situation in our world today
* consider the foundations for human rights and identify what actions are needed to unleash rapid improvement in the promotion and protection of human rights globally; an
* highlight the United Nations' role in this area and how action to realize human rights can contribute to progress on peace and security and sustainable development.
The main areas of focus of the Thematic Debate will be
* Combatting discrimination and inequalities
* Strengthening governance, the rule of law and access to justice; an
* Enabling active participation in society
At the request of the Office of the President of the General Assembly (OPGA), the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs NGO Branch (UN-DESA/NGOB) are facilitating a process to identify two civil society speakers, and all civil society attendees for this event.
Using the form at this link, you may apply to speak at or attend this event.
Travel funding will be available for at least one of the selected speakers.
Click to apply for the civil society Selection Committee for this event.
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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Labianco