Consultation régionale sur la réforme des politiques des drogues en Afrique de l’ouest
Le Ghana a organisé sa propre version de la Réunion Nationale Multisectorielle sur la réforme des politiques des drogues, afin de façonner le discours entre les intervenants des institutions du secteur publique engagés dans la formulation et la mise en œuvre des politiques des drogues. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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Civil society organisations and governments in West Africa continue to prepare fervently towards the UNGASS 2016. These preparations have received active participation from the West Africa Drug Policy Network. This has been made possible with the support received from the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) , International Drug Policy Consortium, Kofi Annan Foundation, and the West Africa Commission on Drugs. Ghana will now host a multi-sectoral meeting on drug policy reform in Accra to raise key national issues pertaining to current drug policies and shape a West Africa position on the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem.
Specifically, the National Multi-sectoral Meetings will assess current drug policies and the impact of the international conventions on national drug policies; interrogate the measures put in place at national levels to deal with drug trafficking, production and consumption; identify and highlight best practices in tackling drugs, security and organized crime at country levels; and foster collaboration among key government actors and civil society in the fight against drug trafficking in the region.
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Profils associés
- Open Society Foundations (OSF)