La Coalition MENA H sur le point de soumettre une proposition au Fond Mondial


La Coalition MENA H sur le point de soumettre une proposition au Fond Mondial

28 mars 2018

La coalition MENA sur le VIH et les Droits Humains (Coalition MENA H) aimerait annoncer officiellement son intérêt à soumettre sa candidature pour l’Appel à propositions multipays lancé par le Fond Mondial pour régler la question de la « Viabilité des services pour les populations clés dans la région MENA ». Pour en savoir plus, en Anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

The MENA Coalition on HIV and Human Rights (MENA H Coalition) would like to formally announce its interest in applying for the Multi-Country Request for Proposals launched by the Global Fund to address the “Sustainability of services for Key Populations in the MENA region”. The MENA H Coalition, created last year, is a collaboration and partnership platform of Key Population Regional Networks in the Middle East and North Africa which includes: AFEMENA, ITPC MENA, MENARosa, MENAHRA, M-Coalition, MENANPUD, RANAA, and Y+. The proposal of the MENA H Coalition, endorsed by UNAIDS and the WHO, has been initiated. As part of the process, the MENA H Coalition will be organizing an inclusive regional consultation to discuss potential activities with stakeholders and partners in order to ensure that all activities are aligned and relevant to the needs in the region. The dates and invitations to the regional consultation will be announced at a later date. We finally would like to note that we, as the MENA H Coalition, along with our partners are working diligently to develop a comprehensive program to support the needs of key populations in our region.