En Inde, des vies  innocentes sont perdues à cause d’une douleur non soulagée


En Inde, des vies innocentes sont perdues à cause d’une douleur non soulagée

25 juin 2014

Le 2 Juin, un enfant de neuf ans est décédé aux mains de ses parents du fait de leur désespoir pour à mettre fin à ses douleurs aigües. Les parents se sont suicidés par la suite. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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On 2 June a nine-year-old boy died at the hands of his parents as a result of their desperation to end his unrelieved pain. The parents then committed suicide.

The 2 June edition of The Times of India reports on the death of nine-year-old Karthik at the hands of his parents while in a hospital at Kanhangad in Kasaragod district, where the boy had been undergoing treatment.

The incident came to light when the staff nurse went to the room where Karthick had been admitted and found the boy hanging from a window. The bodies of his parents were found hanging from the ceiling fan.

Read the full article.

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