Des violences éclatent dans l’Etat de Tamaulipas, au Mexique, où la guerre contre la drogue a commencé


Des violences éclatent dans l’Etat de Tamaulipas, au Mexique, où la guerre contre la drogue a commencé

28 mai 2014

Des violences extrêmes ont de nouveau éclaté dans l’Etat mexicain de Tamaulipas, où la guerre contre la drogue a commencé.

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A spate of extreme violence in Mexico's north-eastern Tamaulipas state has ended the relative calm in the region where the country's drug war began.

Officials say about 80 people have been killed in almost daily street battles.

Tamaulipas has been a focal point in the drug wars as one of the busiest places on the border for northbound drugs and migrants and southbound weapons and cash. But the latest outbreak of bloodletting has prompted fears that the region is set for a return to the worst days of 2010, when entire populations fled towns in the region to escape the violence.

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