Les législateurs au Colorado donnent leur feu vert historique au projet de loi sur la  marijuana


Les législateurs au Colorado donnent leur feu vert historique au projet de loi sur la marijuana

18 mai 2013

Le 8 mai, les législateurs duColoradofurent les premiers aux Etats-Unisà adopter des loisrégissant la venteet l’usage récréatif de marijuana.

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The Colorado legislature made history on 8th of May, becoming the first in the country to pass laws regulating recreational marijuana sales and use.

"This is a true game-changer for our state," Sen. Mark Scheffel, R-Parker, said in raising concerns about the impact of marijuana legalization on kids. "And so I think it is important that we do our best to implement the right regulatory environment and fund it."

If Gov. John Hickenlooper signs the four major bills on marijuana that the legislature passed this year — and he has indicated he will — this is what the future will hold:

• Marijuana will be sold in specially licensed stores that can also sell pot-related items such as pipes.

• Colorado residents will be able to buy up to an ounce of marijuana — the maximum it is legal for non-medical-marijuana patients to possess — at the stores.

• Voters will have the option of imposing heavy taxes on pot sales.

• Incorporated marijuana collectives will be banned. So, too, will marijuana coffee shops, marijuana smoking in bars and government-run marijuana stores.

• Colorado drivers for the first time will be subject to a stoned-driving limit.

Read here the full article.

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