Sondage électronique sur la participation de la société civile au Conseil d’Administration de l’ONUSIDA


Sondage électronique sur la participation de la société civile au Conseil d’Administration de l’ONUSIDA

26 octobre 2012

L'ONUSIDA soutient un rapport sur l'état d'avancement de la participation de la délégation des ONG et leur contribution au Conseil d’administration de l’organisation. Cela se traduira par des recommandations sur la façon d'accroître l'engagement et l'impact de la société civile, y compris des personnes vivant avec le VIH et les principales communautés affectées.Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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UNAIDS was the first ever United Nations programme to have civil society formally represented on its governing body – the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB). The NGO Delegation has 10 members from five geographic regions. For more information about its work, please click here.

UNAIDS is supporting a review of the progress of NGO Delegation participation and contribution to the PCB. This will result in recommendations about how to increase the engagement and impact of civil society voices, including those of people living with HIV and key affected communities.

As part of the review, we warmly invite all civil society organisations involved in HIV (at community, national, regional or global levels) to participate in an e-survey. The survey has just 10 questions and takes about 5 minutes. It is anonymous and confidential. We welcome your views – whether you know the work of the PCB or NGO Delegation well or not.

The e-survey is available in: English, French, Spanish and Russian.

The survey will be open until 14 October 2012. We are very grateful for your contribution and look forward to hearing from you.

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Profils associés

  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS)