Les pays du Commonwealth devraient agir contre les lois discriminatoires qui limitent l’efficacité des réponses au VIH


Les pays du Commonwealth devraient agir contre les lois discriminatoires qui limitent l’efficacité des réponses au VIH

28 septembre 2012

Agissez en demandant aux Ministres des affaires étrangères du Commonwealth de s'engager à réformer les nombreuses lois discriminatoires qui continuent à freiner la réponse au VIH.Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The Commonwealth Ministers of Foreign Affairs will meet on 29 September in New York to decide whether the Commonwealth will show leadership to reform outdated laws.

Your support is needed to make sure they do. Criminalizing people living with, and vulnerable to HIV must stop. Outdated laws that criminalize behaviour make it much harder for poor women, men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgender communities and people who use drugs to access the services and support they need.

TAKE ACTION. Ask Commonwealth Ministers of Foreign Affairs to commit to reforming the many discriminatory laws that continue to undermine the response to HIV.

This action is supported by Peter Tatchell Foundation, Terrence Higgins Trust, Alliance India, Alliance Uganda and Alliance Linking Organisations across the Commonwealth including the Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS (BONELA), Kenya AIDS NGO Consortium (KANCO), the Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC) and the Network on Ethics/Human Rights, Law, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Support and Care (NELA) in Nigeria.

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