Conexión, atención, comunidad: Reforzar la reducción de daños para las personas GBT2Q que consumen drogas en Canadá


Conexión, atención, comunidad: Reforzar la reducción de daños para las personas GBT2Q que consumen drogas en Canadá

13 junio 2024
Richard Elliott

La Red Jurídica sobre el VIH identifica lo que puede y debe hacerse para reforzar la respuesta al VIH, otras ITS y otros problemas de salud entre las personas GBT2Q que consumen drogas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

This project seeks to identify what can and needs to be done to strengthen the response to HIV, other STBBIs, and other health concerns among GBT2Q people who use drugs. This includes the areas of legal and policy measures, funding, research, education and training, service provision, and community spaces. To that end, the HIV Legal Network is producing the following resources:

Summary Report: This Summary Report draws on three sources:

  • An extensive literature review.
  • Interviews with selected key informants, most of whom are GBT2Q people who use(d) drugs and all of whom are involved in providing services and/or community organizing related to harm reduction.
  • An environmental scan of programs and initiatives in Canada relevant to substance use by GBT2Q people.

An Agenda for Action: This document sets out recommendations for action in various areas, informed by and complementing the Summary Report.