Informe sobre la marcha de las actividades del IDPC - 2016/2017
Este informe proporciona una descripción general de las actividades del IDPC entre 2016 y 2017, incluidos nuestros esfuerzos continuos para desarrollar capacidades en materia la promoción de políticas de drogas y las numerosas publicaciones y recursos producidos durante este período. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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It has been just over one year since the UN General Assembly Special Session on drugs (UNGASS) that took place in April 2016, and for IDPC it has been another busy and productive period. There was much to do following the UNGASS to analyse and unpack the outcomes, reflect on the lessons learned and most importantly, capitalise on the growth in the visibility, credibility and reach that the IDPC network gained from being front and centre of civil society efforts in the UNGASS process. A key focus has been on supporting our members and other civil society partners to leverage the progress made in the Outcome Document on human rights, harm reduction, criminal justice reform, etc. in national and regional policy debates.
While we can note gains made at the UN level, one of the most troubling national developments in the last 12 months has been Duterte’s war on drugs in the Philippines. There are now over 10,000 extra-judicial killings of people suspected of using drugs or being involved in the drug trade. Responding to this crisis has been a central focus of IDPC’s regional office in Bangkok.
Our progress report provides an overview of our activities over the past year, including our continuing efforts to build capacity for drug policy advocacy and the numerous publications and resources produced during this period. we hope you will enjoy reading it!
Read previous IDPC progress reports:
Perfiles relacionados
- International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)