Informe sobre la actitud de los jóvenes ante las drogas plantea un llamado en favor de la descriminalización en Irlanda

Terren Hurst on Unsplash


Informe sobre la actitud de los jóvenes ante las drogas plantea un llamado en favor de la descriminalización en Irlanda

8 junio 2023
The Journal

El informe aboga por la descriminalización de las drogas y un acceso más fácil a espacios de inyección más segura, en un esfuerzo para reducir los daños, así como para alentar tratamiento y apoyo para quienes consumen drogas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

A report surveying a panel of young people for the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs has called for the decriminalisation of drugs and easier access to self-injecting facilities.

The report, led by the Department of Health and facilitated by the Department of Children, held consultations with young people from Comhairle na nÓg and Hub na nÓg.

A group of young people drawn from the general population as well as young people living in areas that experience the impacts of significant drug use was compiled, with members having a mean age of 15 years and nine months.

The group developed key recommendations for the Citizens’ Assembly, including legalising cannabis and using the resulting tax revenue to fund harm reduction centres and detox centres.

The decriminalisation of hard drugs for personal use and the provision of clinics to self-administer drugs and get access to clean needles and healthcare were also suggested.