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La tasa de homicidios de México batió un nuevo récord en 2018 y la guerra contra las drogas no cesa
El presidente recién elegido, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, prometió poner fin a la guerra contra las drogas, pero los críticos denuncian la decisión de implicar en la seguridad pública a un nuevo cuerpo militar. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
By David Agren
Mexico’s murder rate broke a new record in 2018 as the country’s drug war dragged on and criminal groups fought for control of an increasingly diversified range of illegal activities.
Figures released this week by the country’s public safety secretariat show that 28,816 homicide case files were opened in 2018, a 15% increase over the previous year.
In recent years, violence has exploded in previously peaceful areas of the country such as Quintana Roo state, which registered 763 homicides in 2018 – double the 2017 figure.
Conflict in Quintana Roo – home of the Caribbean resort cities of the “Mexican Riviera” – has been attributed to a struggle for smuggling routes and local drug markets, but in other regions, violence has been driven by other illegal markets.