Australia: un grupo de ex primeros ministros y jefes de policía instan a despenalizar las drogas
Un grupo de autoridades públicas ha instado a despenalizar las drogas en el marco de una amplia reforma legal en este ámbito. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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By Ellie Hunt
A group of former premiers, police commissioners and legal advocates have luanched a push for decriminalisation as part of a widespread reform of drug laws.
The former Labor premier of NSW, Bob Carr, and the former Liberal Victoria premier, Jeff Kennett, launched the Australia 21 report on Monday, which calls for an end to criminalisation of drug users.
The report, entitled “Can Australia respond to drugs more effectively and safely?”, makes 13 recommendations around minimising drug-related harm and the burden on the criminal justice system.
Click here to read the full article.
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