Reunión intersesional de la CND - Sesiones temáticas sobre la puesta en marcha de todos los acuerdos internacionales en materia de políticas de drogas (Noviembre de 2024)

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Reunión intersesional de la CND - Sesiones temáticas sobre la puesta en marcha de todos los acuerdos internacionales en materia de políticas de drogas (Noviembre de 2024)

14 agosto 2024
Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Los debates se centrarán en todos los acuerdos internacionales en la materia. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

When? 12 - 14 November 2024
Where? Vienna International Centre (BR-D, 4th floor, C-Building) - Austria

At its 67th session in March 2024 the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) adopted by consensus the 'High-level declaration by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on the 2024 midterm review, following up to the Ministerial Declaration of 2019'.

Following the format used for the thematic discussions held within the CND since 2016, Member States developed a multi-year workplan and will hold, every autumn, inter-active meetings aiming to address the challenges identified in the “stock taking”- part of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration.

The first of these thematic intersessionals will take place 12-14 November 2024 in Vienna, Austria. The meeting will be held in a hybrid-format, combining an in-person component with online participation.

The following topics will be covered. (Please also consult the organizational arrangements for the meeting that contain additional information):

12 November 2024: Expanding range of drugs and synthetic opioids and nonmedical use of prescription drugs

  • Morning session (10AM to 1PM CET): Expanding range of drugs and diversifying markets..
  • Afternoon session (3PM to 6PM CET): Synthetic opioids and non-medical use of prescription drugs.

13 November 2024: Illicit cultivation, production, and trafficking

  • Morning session (10AM to 1PM CET): Challenges in illicit cultivation and production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
  • Afternoon session (3PM to 6PM CET): Illicit trafficking in substances and precursors, and domestic diversion of precursor chemicals.

14 November 2024: Scheduling Challenges and Other Substantive Matters

  • Morning session (10AM to 1PM CET): Legal, scientific, and regulatory challenges in scheduling substances.
  • Afternoon session (3PM to 6PM CET): Other substantive matters (to allow discussion of persistent, new, or emerging issues of particular concern).

All of the thematic panel discussion also provide an opportunity to discuss cross-cutting issues, including those identified in the "way forward" part of the 2024 CND High-Level Declaration:

  • Cooperation at all levels.
  • Data collection and analysis.
  • Technological innovation.

Call for speakers

For each panel up to 3 NGOs will have the possibility to present their work and positioning. In order to ensure an inclusive, comprehensive and meaningful civil society participation, NGOs will work through the Vienna NGO Committees on Drugs (VNGOC) which has been requested to coordinate contributions. Each speaker will have 2-3 minutes to present their work on the thematic focus of the panel. Interpretation will not be available during the meetings and all abstracts and statements have to be submitted in English.

In order to apply for a speaking slot, please fill out this online form.

DEADLINE: 6 OCTOBER 2024 at 11.45PM CEST (Vienna time, UTC+2)

En línea / Viena, Austria
Inicio12 noviembre 2024
Finalizar14 noviembre 2024

