Washington estrena un nuevo enfoque para la marihuana


Washington estrena un nuevo enfoque para la marihuana

19 enero 2013

Este video de HCLU documenta el nuevo enfoque para las políticas de drogas en el estado de Washington, donde los ciudadanos han votado a favor de someter la marihuana a regulación y tributación. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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There's a new wind blowing through the very home of marijuana prohibition: not only have dozens of states legalised the medical use of marijuana, but two states (Washington and Colorado) have even legalised the use of marijuana by adults for non-medical purposes.

The video advocacy team of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) travelled to Seattle in November, to find out why people voted 'yes' on I-502, an initiative to regulate and tax marijuana. After interviewing several professionals and activists, we found this to be a piece of carefully-considered legislation, which addresses human rights, social justice, and public health concerns, in relation to the region's number two cash crop after apples.

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.