
Results 3325 to 3336 of 3817
25 January 2011

Special report: In Russia, a glut of heroin and denial

Unlike most countries around the world, Russia refuses to finance harm reduction programs such as needle exchanges, or to legalize methadone. Over the past few months, Moscow has decided to discontinue the work of foreign donors and NGOs with heroin addicts. It even recently blamed foreign groups for worsening the country's HIV epidemic.
16 December 2010

Report of the South East Europe Drug Policy Network, Ohrid, Macedonia

The aim of the Network is to promote collaboration and exchange of information among the participants. This session was attended by 27 participants, both from NGOs and national governments and focused on two topics: harm reduction, and the Roma population. This report summarises the main discussions that took place during the seminar.
16 December 2010

Drogas. Alternativas à "guerra"

Graças a sua experiência no campo, o coronel Jorge da Silva tem hoje a certeza de que a ação repressiva para controlar o uso de drogas não apenas é ineficiente, como gera os graves problemas de segurança pública que países como Colômbia, México e Brasil enfrentam.
16 December 2010

Drugs - Alternatives to the war

Thanks to his experience in the field, Col. Jorge da Silva is certain that repressive policies to control drug use is not only inefficient, but it is also the cause of the serious public security problems in countries like Colombia, Mexico and Brazil.
15 December 2010

Опиоидная заместительная терапия в Центральной Азии:на пути к многообразному и эффективному лечению наркозависимости

В настоящем исследовании представлен анализ текущих законодательной, политической и программной ситуаций в регионе и связанных с ними противоречий и препятствий в отношении доступа к ОЗТ. Цель данного анализа – предоставить специалистам государственных, общественных и международных организаций рекомендации по преодолению этих препятствий и расширению доступа к ОЗТ.
15 December 2010

Breaking the silence - In search for Colombia's disappearances

Breaking the Silence' highlights that the military aid that the U.S. government provided—and continues to provide—to Colombia strengthened an army that was responsible for thousands of forced disappearances and extrajudicial executions and has collaborated with, or at least turned a blind eye to, paramilitary violence that escalated as U.S. aid flowed.
15 December 2010

UNODC Report - South-East Asia opium survey 2010: Lao PDR, Myanmar

Combining the UNODC Lao PDR and Myanmar Opium Surveys, as well as information on poppy cultivation in Thailand from that country's Office of the Narcotics Control Board, the Survey points to rising levels of opium poppy cultivation across all three countries.
15 December 2010

The limits of equivalence: Ethical dilemmas in providing care in drug detention centres

For organisations offering health education, food, or even life-saving medical care inside drug detention centres, what are the limits of providing ethical care, without risking legitimising the system or building its capacity to detain more people? This report explores how organisations might weigh the risks and benefits of their engagement.