
Results 3313 to 3324 of 3817
23 February 2011

The development of international drug control - Lessons learned and strategic challenges for the future

This paper describes how the foundations of the global drug control system were established, the radicalisation of the system toward more reprressive implementation, consequently leading to soft defections and de-escalation efforts becoming more widespread. The last section projects a future for the ongoing reform process toward a modernisation and humanisation of the system's international level framework as laid down in the UN drug control conventions.
23 February 2011

Rethinking US Drug Policy

According to this report, released by the Inter-American Dialogue, what is most needed now is a far-reaching debate on alternative approaches that could reduce the risks and damage from the trafficking and abuse of illicit drugs.
26 January 2011

TNI Series on Legislative Reform of Drug Policies No.9 - Cannabis social clubs in Spain: A normalising alternative underway

This article outlines the nature and functioning of Spanish cannabis social clubs. It also proposes a better route for legalisation of drugs: rejecting the creation of an open trade system, similar to that of alcohol or tobacco and opting instead for a consumer-focused, non-profit model that avoids many of the risks inherent in a market dominated by the pursuit of economic profit.