IDPC Publications

A key role and added value of IDPC is the production of policy analysis for a broad range of audiences including academia, civil society and policy makers. The majority of these publications are collaborations with members and partners, and are translated into multiple languages to support and facilitate advocacy.

Results 349 to 360 of 453
22 June 2011

IDPC Briefing Paper - Policy responses to drug issues in Malaysia

This paper provides an insight into Malaysian drug policies and the environment in which the national response to drugs has been developing in terms of harm reduction, prisons, drug treatment, law enforcement responses and civil society participation. An analysis of the situation concludes with recommendations for further drug policy development. 
28 April 2011

IDPC Report - 3rd IDPC South East Europe Drug Policy Network Meeting

The South East European Drug Policy Network held its third meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece in March 2011, during which participants shared knowledge and experiences from across the region, and identify common problems and key priorities for drug policy advocacy.
27 April 2011

The Obama Administration's drug control policy on auto-pilot

With over two years in office, the Obama Administration has had time to begin to make its mark on the government's domestic and international drug policies. This briefing paper analyses the modest changes that have taken place to date.
29 March 2011
IDPC Report - First IDPC seminar on drug policy in the Middle East and North Africa

IDPC Report - First IDPC seminar on drug policy in the Middle East and North Africa

Last January, IDPC organised its first drug policy seminar in the Middle East and North Africa region, in collaboration with its local partner, the National Rehabilitation Centre, in order to generate constructive discussions and sgare experience on drug policy, and to discuss the possibility to establish a regional network on drug policy.
28 March 2011
IDPC progress report 2010-2011

IDPC progress report 2010-2011

Since its creation in 2007, IDPC has become a dynamic collaborative initiative which has gradually expanded both its membership and activities to influence national and international drug policies and programmes. This is the first IDPC progress report, which aims to highlight IDPC's key activities and successes since its creation four years ago.
16 March 2011

IDPC Briefing Paper - The heroin shortage in the UK and Europe

In 2010, observers of the UK heroin scene noticed signs of disruption in the normally well-supplied and efficiently administered UK heroin market. IDPC has been monitoring the situation closely, both in the UK and continental Europe. This briefing paper provides an overview of the European situation, describes the responses of authorities and users, and analyses its possible causes and future development.