IDPC Publications

A key role and added value of IDPC is the production of policy analysis for a broad range of audiences including academia, civil society and policy makers. The majority of these publications are collaborations with members and partners, and are translated into multiple languages to support and facilitate advocacy.

Results 361 to 372 of 471
21 September 2011

IDPC response to the UNODC 2011 World Drug Report

This is an analysis of the data presented in the UNODC World Drug Report, and includes a critique of Mr Fedotov's contribution to the report and a related review of his first year in post.
25 August 2011

IDPC 药物政策指南

《IDPC药物政策指南》列出世界各地最佳实践的证据和案例,提供详细的建议,以供各 国政策制定者在制定和实施毒品政策方案时参考。行政摘要概述了指导中涉及的各个问题。
22 June 2011

IDPC Briefing Paper - Policy responses to drug issues in Malaysia

This paper provides an insight into Malaysian drug policies and the environment in which the national response to drugs has been developing in terms of harm reduction, prisons, drug treatment, law enforcement responses and civil society participation. An analysis of the situation concludes with recommendations for further drug policy development.