
Rapport sur les marchés de drogues de l’UE

15 avril 2016

Ce rapport donne un aperçu unique du fonctionnement des marchés illicites de drogues dans l’UE. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The 2016 EU Drug Markets Report provides a unique insight into the operation of illicit drug markets in the EU. The report assesses the impact of the drug market on society and the factors driving it. It explores the market for cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, MDMA and new psychoactive substances. Understanding these hidden markets, and the actors involved, is essential to making sound policy decisions with lasting impact. The report combines the analytical power of the EMCDDA’s drug monitoring system with Europol’s operational intelligence on trends in organised crime.


Click here to access the website.

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