La gouvernance des conflits internationaux liés aux drogues


La gouvernance des conflits internationaux liés aux drogues

29 octobre 2012

Ce rapport explique comment le système actuel de contrôle international des drogues s’est mis en place, pourquoi il s'est avéré si durable malgré ses échecs, et examine s’il est possible d’espérer le réformer. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Since 1909 the international community has worked to eradicate the abuse of narcotics. A century on, the efforts are widely acknowledged to have failed, and worse, have spurred black market violence and human rights abuses. How did this drug control system arise, why has it proven so durable in the face of failure, and is there hope for reform?

This IDEAS Special Report was launched at The Global Drugs War event. For more enquiries please contact John Collins:


Re-examining the Drug Problem Through a Fresh Lens
Juan Manuel Santos, President of the Republic of Columbia

Executive Summary
John Collins, Guest Editor

International Drug Control System

Reflections On a Century of International Drug Policy
William B. McAllister

Why We Make War on Some Drugs but not Others
David T Courtwright

Science, Diplomacy and Cannabis
James H. Mill

Appraising the Consequences of Policy
Joseph F. Spillane

Latin America
Paul Gootenberg

Diane Steber Buechli and Ruth Dreifuss

The United Nations
David R. Bewley-Taylor

Towards a Human Rights Framework
Damn Barrett

Overhauling Oversight: Human Rights and the INCB
Joanne Csete

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Profils associés

  • London School of Economics
