La «version zéro» de l'UNGASS 2016 - les contributions des États membres et des organismes régionaux


La «version zéro» de l'UNGASS 2016 - les contributions des États membres et des organismes régionaux

22 septembre 2015

Lors de la réunion intersession de la CND du 12 juin, les pays et groupes régionaux ont été invités à soumettre leurs premières suggestions quant au contenu du document final - voici une liste des contributions rendues publiques à ce jour. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Preparations are gathering pace for the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs, to be held on the 19th to 21st April 2016 in New York. Following several months of discussion on procedural elements, attention is now focused on negotiating the content of the “short, substantive, concise and action-orientated outcome document comprising a set of operational recommendations” to be approved by the General Assembly next April.

At the CND intersessional meeting on 12th June, countries and regional groups were invited to submit their first ideas for what could be included in this Outcome Document, by a deadline of 11th September. You will find below a list of all contributions released by UN member states and regional bodies that have been made public to date:

Contributions from member states

Contributions from regional bodies

Contributions from civil society

If you would like IDPC to publish your country's contribution on the UNGASS "zero draft", please email it to To view IDPC's contribution on the "zero draft", please click here.

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