Réunion intersession de la CND


Réunion intersession de la CND

2 août 2017

Les discussions thématiques aborderont la question de la mise en marche des recommandations du Document final de l'UNGASS de 2016. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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A CND intersessional was held on 6th June to discuss the post-UNGASS implementation process. Member states decided that a new series of post-UNGASS events would be held and include a panel of 8-9 people (each of the 5 regional groups, 3 for UN agencies, 1 for civil society), followed by interactive discussions.

26-28 September: 1st round of discussions:

  • 26th Sept: chapter 1 on demand reduction
  • 27th Sept: chapter 2 on access to controlled medicines
  • 28th Sept: chapter 4 on drugs and human rights, youth, children, women and communities

16-18 October: 2nd round of discussions:

  • 16th Oct: chapter 3 on supply reduction, law enforcement, responses to drug-related crime and countering money laundering
  • 17th Oct: chapter 5 on evolving reality, trends and existing circumstances
  • 18th Oct: chapter 7 on alternative development, development-oriented drug policy

16-17 November: 3rd round of discussions:

  • 16th Nov: Chapter 6 on strengthening international cooperation and the principle of common and shared responsibility
  • 17th Nov: Way forward: preparations for the ministerial segment of the 62nd CND in 2019

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Thumbnail: CC flickr UNIS Vienna

Vienne, Autriche
Commencez15 novembre 2017
Fin16 novembre 2017
